Category: LinkedIn
Chuck Hester and the Pay it Forward Chronicles
I profiled Chuck Hester of iContact in this piece about using Live Connections to Leverage Virtual Connections back in February. Now Chuck is taking his experiences with LinkedIn and writing a book on “Linking In to Pay it Forward: Changing the Value Proposition in Social Media.” His blog has one neat idea today: THE PAY…
My article in the NY Enterprise Report – Networking 2.0
July’s issue of NY Enterprise Report features an article I wrote, entitled Networking 2.0. In this piece, I describe how several firms are using LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to reach customers, save time, and close sales. Cut from the piece was my interview with Kevin Lee, Executive Chairman and co-Founder of, an online marketing…
Use Live Connections to Leverage Virtual Connections, to Gain new, important Live connections
I’ve written previously about using Social Networks to make connections for business, and even predicted in my recent talk at TIMA� (slides are there) that in 2008, people will “use of Real Life Events to make Virtual Connections that help you make Real (and Valuable) Connections.” This idea came from a talk I had with…