Category: socialmedia

  • Still opposing SOPA and PIPA

    We’re not going “Dark” here to protest SOPA. Instead, I’m leaving this post on the front of the site to give you links to some important places where you can take action. Please do take action, specifically, go to and send a note to your Senator or Congressman. A truly great summary of the SOPA issue…

  • Opposing SOPA, Still Leaving GoDaddy

    I haven’t blogged here in a while, but I felt compelled to do so recently by the controversy regarding the SOPA act in Congress. Why is the bill so bad? You can read how the SOPA Bill violates the Constitution by creating blacklists and opposing free speech. Since the bill also allows sites to be shut down without an adversary…

  • Participating in an HP event – with contest for you

    Over on I’ve given details of an HP Printing live event for Monday (post goes live Monday morning), 9/20/20 where I’ll be participating as a subject matter expert in a conversation about printing.* The event will be live streamed on Monday around 10:15 AM Eastern, and you can submit questions and comments from the…

  • Thrilled to Participate in the Social Media Clubhouse at SXSW

    I’m excited to be part of Social Media Club‘s Social Media Clubhouse #3, in Austin this week and next, for SouthBy Southwest Interactive and Music. Chris Heuer, Kristie Wells, and the SMC team have been working really hard to get the house sponsored, set up, and ready for the rest of us to arrive, and…

  • Buzz Off

    This week, Google released its new Social aggregation service (I don’t think that it is a networking service) called Buzz. Jason Calacanis thinks Buzz just ate Facebook’s lunch. I disagree. Buzz requires connections with people through my personal Gmail account. Unlike Facebook, where I can “unfriend” anyone, and hide them when I don’t want to…