Chuck Hester and the Pay it Forward Chronicles

I profiled Chuck Hester of iContact in this piece about using Live Connections to Leverage Virtual Connections back in February. Now Chuck is taking his experiences with LinkedIn and writing a book on  “Linking In to Pay it Forward: Changing the Value Proposition in Social Media.”  His blog has one neat idea today:

THE PAY IT FORWARD CHRONICLES: The Small Good, A New Book and A Busy Fall

First the Small Good. A concept that I first ran across earlier this year as I listened to a podcast. Here’s the basic premise:

Someone has a need, an issue, a problem. They come to you for help. From your prospective it takes little effort to help this person – maybe a referral to a tax attorney you know or a tip on how to get better publicity for your company.

To the person your helping, it’s HUGE! You have saved them time, money, worry – whatever that may be.

My Small Good for the day is letting you know about this. I hope it provides you good value and something to think about.