Category: social networks
Forward this…
My post today at the Conversation Hub » Forward this…and see what happens. Familiar title, no? How many times in the recent past have you received something like this on a social network service? “Forward this and see who looks at your profile the most!” “Forward this and a cute dog will wink at you.”…
Definition of Social Software
While on a call today with a group, John Smith suggested a definition of Social Software that I love. John said: “Social software is software that is no fun to experiment with by yourself.” That to me is perfect! Who wants to join Facebook, but have no friends? What good is photo sharing if you…
Use Live Connections to Leverage Virtual Connections, to Gain new, important Live connections
I’ve written previously about using Social Networks to make connections for business, and even predicted in my recent talk at TIMA� (slides are there) that in 2008, people will “use of Real Life Events to make Virtual Connections that help you make Real (and Valuable) Connections.” This idea came from a talk I had with…
Business Development via Social Networks
Several people, including my wife, have asked me why I do things like Twitter, update my Facebook status, and blog about where I’m going and what I’m interested in. I always believed it was a combination of sharing with my friends (who might learn about a conference, event, or topic from my posts), “eating my…
LiveBlogging NYMIEG Breakfast – Wireless, Wimax and future of communications
Breakfast – Wireless and Wifi and The future of communications Sree starts the panel with nice overview Laura – research on wifi use- Cities and public spaces and homes are rapidly being overlaid with a wireless ‘blanket’ of wifi, rfid, Bluetooth, etc. Ubiquity- anytime, anywhere as a tag line. “Freedom is the purpose.” Research indicates…