Month: April 2008

  • An Email Challenge

    Merlin Mann throws down a serious challenge in today’s 43 folders. It’s a great business lesson, and one I’m going to think about for every email I send today, and hopefully, I can keep it up in the future. Email Insanity & the 0.001 Challenge | 43 Folders The 0.001 Challenge Imagine that the person…

  • Dinner with a Member of UK Parliment

    In what has become something of a trend after my UN meeting last month, another friend invited me to meet with a world leader to discuss Social Media. (That actually sounds more formal than the dinner last night actually was.) My US friend Tom Watson of Changing our World and On Philanthropy invited Pamela and…

  • We’re no strangers to love…

    The fine folks over at CultureGraph post charts analyzing popular culture trends and phenomena as a service to the Internet community. Naaah. It’s all about fun. If you’re analytical and have a sense of humor, you should really check them out. Some of my favorites are a Mathematical limit chart of “Strawberry Fields,” , a…

  • Angel Investing Talk 4-10-08

    David Rose from NY Angels and Angelsoft spoke tonight at the 92nd Street Y’s Tribeca location on Hudson Street on Angel investing. About 225 people in attendance. Key ideas: 600K companies start every year. Only 50k are funded by angels. Rest are funded by the founders, or by friends/family. VC: Professional investors. Angels: Rich-ish people…

  • What is Twitter? (via

    I just started playing with Bitstrips. Very cool new site. Created this comic in about 5 minutes. Let me know if you like it.