Month: March 2009

  • Congratulations to Stand Up To Cancer!

    I am thrilled that my team, Team Corbin, won the Charity Smackdown supporting Stand Up To Cancer with a fund raising total of 8985. (Actually more according to the email I got this morning!) Add in $5k extra and we’ve funded some serious cancer research. CHARITY SMACKDOWN:: Celebrities Compete, Charities Win Congratulations to the…

  • Charity Smackdown Update – And more about why I Stand Up To Cancer

    An update from the CharitySmackdown 2009. CHARITY SMACKDOWN:: Celebrities Compete, Charities Win Update:: PayPal will donate an additional $5,000 to the winning team! So, it is even more important that you take a few minutes, go to the Call to Action page, and Donate.  Again, why do I Stand Up to Cancer? In May…

  • Why I Stand Up to Cancer – Abby – Charity Smackdown

    As I mentioned yesterday, I’m on Team Corbin, supporting Stand Up To Cancer in the Charity Smackdown 09. (You can donate on the widget on the right >>>) Over on the Stand Up To Cancer blog, they tell great stories of people who are inspiring. One of my stories and reasons for Standing Up To…

  • Charity Smackdown 09 – Call to Action!

    THANKS. In advance. Thank you for reading this, and thanks for helping me and Team Corbin, but most important, thanks for reading this for Team Stand Up To Cancer in the Charity Smackdown 09. I’ve been asked to participate in Charity Smackdown 09 – a cause marketing event contest between teams lead by Celebrities with…