Charity Smackdown Update – And more about why I Stand Up To Cancer

An update from the CharitySmackdown 2009.
CHARITY SMACKDOWN:: Celebrities Compete, Charities Win

Update:: PayPal will donate an additional $5,000 to the winning team!

So, it is even more important that you take a few minutes, go to the Call to Action page, and Donate. 

Again, why do I Stand Up to Cancer? In May 1992, my step-mother Carol had a lump on the side of her face. They thought it was some sort of ‘nerve bundle’ problem. I will never forget the moment the surgeon told us it was some sort of cancer he had never seen before, hugely aggressive. The specimen was sent to NIH or some other famous place to be analyzed.  By September, Carol was dead. Cancer was a terrible killer. 

There’s another Carol, this one in my neighborhood. She’s currently fighting Lung Cancer, and has gone through huge amounts of chemotherapy. She’s lost her hair, but not her dignity. I never see her complain and she always seems to have time for her grandchildren, who are friends with my kids.

For the first Carol it is too late, but for Carol, please donate $5 or what you can afford to Stand Up To Cancer. What if your $5 bought the test tube that was used in the research that cured some form of cancer? It could happen. Donate today, please. 

I’ve stated that anyone who donates more than $100 in the next hour, I’ll give social media lessons. Ok, I totally stole that from @christinelu. But hey, all is fair in the Smackdown.