Congratulations to Stand Up To Cancer!

I am thrilled that my team, Team Corbin, won the Charity Smackdown supporting Stand Up To Cancer with a fund raising total of 8985. (Actually more according to the email I got this morning!) Add in $5k extra and we’ve funded some serious cancer research.

CHARITY SMACKDOWN:: Celebrities Compete, Charities Win

Congratulations to the Smackdown Teams! Our big winner is Team Corbin! PayPal will donate an additional $5,000 to Stand Up To Cancer. Watch this space for more exciting Charity Smackdown action!

I am truly grateful to all my Facebook and Twitter friends, blog readers and everyone who pitched in an passed along the messages we sent out about Team Corbin and Stand Up to Cancer. I know I asked people for money, and bothered them with messages over the 10 days of the project. But as I wrote in my Charity Smackdown Update, and my Why I Stand Up To Cancer – Abby articles, I take the fight against Cancer personally and I hope you do too.

In total the project raised over $30,000 for 9 causes, all of which are real dollars and will help real people in need. So, Smack Talk aside, we all won something for our causes – awareness, dollars and new friends.

Some information – my use of URL in several of my tweets and Facebook posts lead to over 1137 clicks to the Team Corbin page, most directly from the URL being clicked via someone’s browser or email, but some via Twitter, Facebook, Twitter search and clients, and some smaller number from my own website. While I can’t draw any scientific conclusions regarding where people most participated from without data from the Charity Smackdown site owners, I did learn more about activating a network and getting people interested in a cause.

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