Month: June 2007

  • 3 out of 4 iPhone friends have to return to a store

    I’m on an email list from the ITP masters program I attended. These are the folks you expect to buy an iPhone. People with years of computer experience, a Master’s degree in interactive media. These are the people you want to take care of if you’re apple, because they all have blogs, and they are…

  • Why the iPhone is important

    I didn’t wait on line for 100 hours for an iPhone. I’m not getting one yet. I’ve been burned too many times by first generation hardware to want to plunk $600 down and take a plan from a carrier that has crappy reception in my house. But the iPhone is important in the same way…

  • Save Internet Radio

    Yahoo’s Internet Radio team has a great blog post today about why they’re ‘off the air’ along with many of the other Internet broadcasters.It’s because the Copyright Royalty Board has set a price that is too large for even the largest companies like Yahoo and Clear Channel to afford. Hey, when the big guys cry…

  • Twit-lebrities?

    Lazy Web request: Which celebs are on Twitter, which politicians, musicians, etc? 2nd question: Why? What value are people getting from being there?  As a politician, are you seeing more donations or are your supporters getting better connect feelings? As a musician or entertainer are more people coming to your gigs? Are your messages spreading…

  • Post at the Conversation Hub

    I’ve made a few posts about Supernova at the Conversation Hub including this one about “Where’s the Innovation.” Powered by ScribeFire.