Save Internet Radio

Yahoo’s Internet Radio team has a great blog post today about why they’re ‘off the air’ along with many of the other Internet broadcasters.
It’s because the Copyright Royalty Board has set a price that is too large for even the largest companies like Yahoo and Clear Channel to afford. Hey, when the big guys cry uncle, someone has crossed the line, no?

So, I say, don’t listen to Internet Radio, Don’t listen to Satellite, and Don’t Buy Any Music today. Save Net Radio!

Oh, and write or call your Senator or Congressperson and ask them to Co-Sponsor the Internet Radio Equality Act, S. 1353 and HR 2060.

UPDATE: I called Congressman Engel’s office, and was very pleasantly received by a legislative aide who asked a good question: “How much does the current ruling increase the cost for broacasters?” My answer: As I read it – Three times the cost, retroactive for 17 months.
Left a message at Sen. Schumer’s office, and at Senator Clinton’s office — um, couldn’t leave a message. I get a “your call is important to us, then lots of hold music, then ringing right to a busy signal.”  Hey, Senator – email me at public -at– this domain dot com. I’d be happy to help your staff understand this issue.

(Remember, they work for you. These “Talking Points” may help if you’re not familiar with the issue.)

‘Lest you think I’m just talking from talking points, I was writing about this in 2002. Also earlier, in 2001, but the Edit This Page site it was on is dead. I helped create one of the first net Radio stations in 1996, and worked for  the Windows Media Team at Microsoft as their techincal rep to radio stations in 1999 and 2000.

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One response to “Save Internet Radio”

  1. LL Donovan Avatar
    LL Donovan


    I emailed Clinton, Schumer, and Lowey in May to express my concern about this assault on internet radio. Got form replies back. Would love to know if any of them get it.
