Slides from Social Media Camp NYC

Dean Landsman and I spoke at SocialMediaCampNYC yesterday, 8/7/08 to a packed house (according to David Berkowitz), on the subject of “What Old Media can teach New Media.”
Several folks asked for our slides, so here they are, via
What Old Media can teach New Media: Media Convergence & Integration, Social Media, and Professionalism
View SlideShare presentation (tags: howardgr howardgreenstein deanland deanlandsman)
Update: Chris Abraham provides a picture, and some Qik Video from the presentation as well.


UPDATE: Nice wrapup of Social Media Camp by Mogulette in the making Carmina Perez.


2 responses to “Slides from Social Media Camp NYC”

  1. I was one of the lucky ones who got a good seat to this discussion…very informative and well delivered.

    Howard/Dean 2008!

  2. Pleasure to meet you and attend the presentation — also, thanks so much for your generosity and for sharing the presentation.