Month: March 2012

  • Happy to support the US Olympic Genome Project by Samsung

    At SXSW I was shown and invited to support* the US Olympic Genome Project, created by Samsung. I don’t take on support of brands randomly – I think this is a fun effort. (And before you worry, no one is trying to attempt to graft genes into me to make me a better athlete –…

  • Joining Nokia’s SXSW Cause Marketing Experiment

    As part of Nokia’s efforts this year at SXSW to raise awareness of the over 4 million acres of land burned in Texas wildfires last year, they’ve started a contest to generate some excitement and re-plant some of those trees. I’ve been asked to participate as a blogger/twitterer in this friendly contest, called #IJustPlantedATree @SXSW 2012. For…

  • Arduino, Xbee and Sparkfun shield issue

    This is much geekier than my usual stuff (not that I post here much anymore.) Unless you’re good with Arduino and XBee this will not be interesting – and possibly seem like gibberish. We have two Arduino Uno boards. Our board seem to transmit and receive each other, and we’ve tested the xbees – they work…