Charity Smackdown 09 – My disclosure and disclaimer

Starting tonight at 11 Eastern, I’m happily joining the Charity Smackdown ’09, (background: ) competing against many of my Social Media Friends, who have joined teams led by celebrities from my own Stand Up To Cancer team’s Corbin Bleu (of High School Musical fame) to Alec Baldiwn, musicians Linkin Park, NBC’s Heroes Hayden Panettiere and Brea Grant. The event runs from March 16 to the 26th, with all teams trying to raise as much money as possible for their causes.

Disclaimer: The event is called a “SmackDown” because there will be “Trash Talk,” defined by the Urban Dictionary as: “In the course of a competitive situation putting down your opponent verbally or saying how good you think you are. Often involving talk of moms or sisters” ie: “Your momma’s computer is so slow, she can’t even use Facebook.”

I have no intent to personally insult or harm anyone, make them feel bad or send them crying home. This is all in good fun. And we’ll all watch the “Your momma” references. My mom reads the blog. Enough said.

Full Disclosure part: The contest is sponsored by PayPal and Tech Reporting blog Mashable (Disclosure – I’ve recently been working on an article to be published in Mashable – non-compensated).

The contest money raising will be done via PayPal – and the organizers assured me that aside from the usual transaction fees (2% or so for Non-Profits) that the full money goes right into those charity controlled accounts.

I was asked to participate by my friends at Weber Shandwick (I’ve consulted for Weber in the past, but not recently), who first introduced me to Stand Up 2 Cancer last summer. SU2C  is

“a new initiative created to accelerate groundbreaking cancer research that will get new therapies to patients quickly and save lives. SU2C’s goal is to bring together the best and the brightest in the cancer community, encouraging collaboration instead of competition. SU2C utilizes the entertainment industry to create awareness and to build broad public support for this effort.”

SU2C supports – which states in its financials that “88 cents of every dollar spent supports research grants, fellowships and scientific education for AACR member scientists, as well as public education. ”

A few folks on the net have recently complained about these kind of online fund raising events – even saying this promote the corporate interests over the charities. I disagree. Having worked on the 9-11 relief efforts as part of the Twin Towers Fund from 2001-2003, I can tell you some of the largest companies in the world made huge donations that, while they may have hit the newspapers or news wires for the day, helped the lives of people for years to come.

I sense this long term awareness and effort to help is the intention in this event, and I’m supporting it. Kudos to Pete and the Mashable team for stepping up for this event.

If I can help raise money for my cause, for any of the great causes, if I can raise awareness about these causes, then I will have done something useful and valuable during this week. I’m going to be asking you, my friends and readers, to pass along messages, support the cause (any one you choose) and enjoy the playful smack talk that goes with this ‘smackdown.’

The widget below (to be inserted when it goes live) will allow you to donate to SU2C and the “promote” page for Team Corbin will allow you to add a badge to your blog, MySpace, website,  or other site in order to spread the word.

Please help me promote this fun online event, and please donate what you can. Thank you.