Now blogging at INC. Magazine

I’m proud to announce that I’ll be blogging over at INC. Magazine’s Startup Blog on a regular basis (more than monthly, but not daily). My first post, on Building Success via Blogging, is already up, and describes the success of a Westchester-based architect whose site and blog gets him clients who feel they know him and his work before he even has to pitch them.

If you have ideas on companies or tech I should cover that will benefit startup businesses, please get in touch.


2 responses to “Now blogging at INC. Magazine”

  1. Hi Howard – Congrats on the new gig! I’ll keep my eyes and ears open for companies/techs you should cover. I spend a fair amount of time talking to and looking at startups (and they call on us a fair amount as well!). Best of luck!

  2. Howard Avatar

    Thanks Karl!