Month: September 2006
Mavericks at Work
0927061944 Originally uploaded by HowardGr. I attended the launch party for Mavericks at Work last night. This photo is of the authors, William Taylor and Polly LaBarre. Several of the mavericks were there, as well as Bill’s old college buddy, Elliot Spitzer. (The future governor was quite the friendly party going story teller, very casual…
Required Reading
Required Reading Originally uploaded by HowardGr. I was at the NYU bookstore the other day, looking for a text book. I noticed that some smart marketing prof had set Naked Conversations as “required reading” for class. Good to see they’re up on things!
Happy One Web Day
Sorry I couldn’t make it to One Web Day. I’m home with a sinus thing and bad or no voice (depending on how recently I drank hot tea). But I made a video to celebrate One Web Day. A message of support to the organizers of One Web Day from Howard Greenstein, co-founder of Social…
My Voice, MIA
Well, many people tell me I talk too much. Between Monday’s meeting of Social Media Club, Tuesday’s birthday festivities, and 2 NYU related events yesterday, I’ve basically lost my voice. If you find it please return it. Tea and Honey are the order of the day.