Mavericks at Work

Originally uploaded by HowardGr.

I attended the launch party for Mavericks at Work last night.  This photo is of the authors, William Taylor and Polly LaBarre. Several of the mavericks were there, as well as Bill’s old college buddy, Elliot Spitzer. (The future governor was quite the friendly party going story teller, very casual and every-man like. Not what I expected.)

I met former Goldcorp CEO Ron McEwen, now at a US Gold. I had a good talk with Jack Huges of TopCoder and his communications director JamesMcKeown. At the end of the night, James and I left and walked down the street talking about how social media and online tools can build community and value. These folks are people I can learn a lot from.

I reconnected with Vernon Hill, Founder and Chairman of Commerce Bank, whom I had the pleasure of inviting and hosting at the NYU Entreprenurship Conference 2 years ago. He’s a real maverick’s maverick.

More later. This is an excellent book that I’m really enjoying.