Category: web2.0

  • Today’s meeting – Amazon Web Services “Startup Project”

    I’m at Cooper Union, learning about the Amazon Web Services efforts. My old friend Mike Culver, one of the AWS evangelists, is on stage talking about it. Below are notes – in draft, with errors and typos. Just sharing what I’m learning, in real time. Amazon – AWS was past the “experiment” stage 4 years…

  • Twit-lebrities?

    Lazy Web request: Which celebs are on Twitter, which politicians, musicians, etc? 2nd question: Why? What value are people getting from being there?  As a politician, are you seeing more donations or are your supporters getting better connect feelings? As a musician or entertainer are more people coming to your gigs? Are your messages spreading…

  • Hey, Consume This! The Future of Online Advertising

    Here I am at the “Future of Onlilne Advertising” conference, and here we are, 12 or 13 years after the first banner ads were placed. We’re up to at least Web 2.0, according to everyone around. It is my contention that in Web 2.0, companies would discover that talking to, and with, their customers would…

  • Donna Bogatin’s Virtual Moving Day

    Good bye ZDNet, hellow Insider Chatter. Donna Bogatin, long time Internet Industry veteran and, for the past year, ZDNet blogger, has launched Insider Chatter. We’ll see the same intelligence in covering marketing and media trends, but under her own banner. Subscribed. Donna is promising coverage from the Future Of Online Advertising conference tomorrow. See you…

  • Review of the TechCrunch NY Event

    I was able to attend and blog the TechCrunch NY party tonight. (Thanks very much to Jeanne.) As a party, it was a great event, and I ran into a lot of cool people. The party itself was quite packed, though since I got there early I was able to sample some very good snacks…