Category: Random Thoughts

  • Noshir Contractor’s talk

    Noshir starts by referencing the LoveGety from Japan – technology and motivation for networking with others. LoveGety lets you put in a profile and when you’re near someone with similar profile, your lovegety beeps and you find your e-soulmate. Four types of knowledge networks who knows who who knows who knows who who knows what Cognitive…

  • Ed Vielmetti and Esther Dyson

    Ed and Esther are up on stage talking about social networks. I honestly have been watching more than typing during this panel. Check to find a good link for their talk. Buzz is blogging the conference, for example. Picture set at Flickr.

  • Ross Dawson – The Weightless Economy

    The weightless economy – goods and economic value when up, but weight of goods shipped stayed almost constant. So much of what is made weighs nothing, including information. Cuneiform documents from Sumaria still exist thousands of years later – agreed upon standard of communication with an interface – ie carvings in stone. The Internet is…

  • Working Out

    I’ve been working out at least 3 mornings a week since late February. The only exceptions have been weeks I’ve had my Vertigo issues. I was at the health club at the hotel this morning, and Esther Dyson caught me in on her camera. Just in case someone didn’t believe I was at the gym,…

  • Social Network Analysis

    Valdis Krebs is speaking on Social netowrks analysis. Picture here. Valdis showing diagrams that are examples of Social Network Maps. Here is an example from his site. Now Eszter Hargittai is talking about the links between and among Political Weblogs. Sunstein’s theory  (link courtesy of Eszter – thanks) is that there should be little interlinkage…