Help me find a Videographer for America’s Camp!

Some of you may know I attend America’s Camp every year. It is a camp for kids who lost their parents on 9-11. But it is not a grief camp – it is a wonderful place, filled with positive energy. The kids have been changed for the better having had the camp. It is truly a life-changing experience. And one of the ways we capture that experience is with a yearly DVD that captures the moments we shared at camp.

In previous years, a super team has helped us take videos, and we’ve had a professional edit done to create DVDs for all campers. This year, our videographer can’t attend, and our backup has fallen through. So I’m turning to my social media friends to help me find a substitute.

The assignment: Spend a little more than a week in the beautiful Berkshire mountains of Massachusetts taking video shots of kids doing activities, and doing evening events. Capture the video and put together a rough cut for the last night of camp. When not capturing video, there’s a fantastic staff and great kids to meet and interact with.  You can bring your own video equipment. This is not a flipcam assignment – (sorry Flip and Kodak types) – we’re expecting corporate or wedding level equipment, ability to shoot inside a bunk (lower light) and experience at parties, events, etc.

Note: You’ll have to have some references, and you’ll need a doctor’s approval on your physical and a background check (all camp staff has this).

The tough part? We start arriving at camp this Sunday! The 15th. August. Now! We’ll take you as long as we can have you, but the assignment is through the 23rd at night – camp ends on the 24th.

We’ll feed you and give you a bunk, bedding, and lots of snacks. Power, some net access, but don’t expect your phone to ring – we’re in the countryside! We’ll pay for your bus ticket or gas to get you to camp from a reasonable distance away. But there’s no compensation – we’re all volunteers at camp.

If you can do this assignment or know someone who can  – please contact Howard Greenstein ASAP – tweet @howardgr or email publichoward via Gmail.

Thanks so much for helping me recruit for this wonderful camp.


3 responses to “Help me find a Videographer for America’s Camp!”

  1. I just saw this link from America's camp, My son James goes to camp every year, as his Dad died on 9-11, (FF Robert Foti) I felt the need to send you a quick note, and not even sure if it's possible to put into words, the love and appreciation I have for all the volunteers at America's Camp. James loves loves loves to go and I am so incredibly sad that the camp will be ending next year, James was looking forward to becoming a counselor, when he gets alittle older, he is only 13 now. I wish there were a way to keep it going, theres nothing else could ever compare. I hope you had a great week with all the kids, and I am looking forward to picking him up tomorrow, so that I can hear about all the wonderful experiences he had while at America's Camp. Could two words, THANK YOU ever really say enough to and the rest of the volunteers, probably not, but From the bottom of my heart, Thank you, Your positive energy and the love you share, will stay in the hearts of America's Kids, forever. We will NEVER FORGET America's Camp. SIncerely, MaryGrace Foti

  2. Camping is an adventurous activity that you would introduce to your kids. You will actually be giving them the best out of their kiddy life if you allow them to go camping with you. More exciting if you see them on video just like what you are about to do.

  3. Mary,

    I'm so glad that this has been a positive experience for James. He's a great kid.