Month: March 2008
Twitter Updates for 2008-03-04
feel I may be losing battle with a cold # stomach flu or food poisoning – what’s the diff? it all evens out in the bottom line. # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Starting a Business (part 2) with Stephanie Booth
In Part 1 we discussed Stephanie’s background, and what led her to start her new company. In this final part we discuss the money and what Stephanie’s measure of success is, relating to finances. Howard: Did you have to raise capital to run the event? Stephanie: The company isn’t incorporated, so from a legal perspective…
Starting a Business (part 1) with Stephanie Booth
This Entrepreneur Starts Her Business…With an Event About Starting a Business… Stephanie Booth is a blogger, freelance Internet consultant and a new entrepreneur who is starting a conference business. Her first conference is for other freelance workers in the web and technology space and it focuses on the essentials of running a business. And Stephanie…
Twitter Updates for 2008-03-03
after a bunch of mac problems, I just went nucular (tm prez bush) and started over 🙁 # @jasoncalacanis – i see the stream but can’t comment due to no qik membership # installing Mac OS X on volume "Macintosh HD". Time remaining… about 45 minutes…44..38 # @theferf so sorry to hear it. Know of…
Twitter Updates for 2008-03-01
about to enjoy spring awakening on broadway # Powered by Twitter Tools.