Month: March 2008
Twitter Updates for 2008-03-08
I have do so does do-si-do-ed my partner # (I was at a square dance…) Powered by Twitter Tools.
Twitter Updates for 2008-03-07
Coaching and working here in the NxNW (of NYC) # all you SXSW folks eat your hearts out, I’m going square dancing…at the Girl Scout Daddy Daughter dance tonight. # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Twitter Updates for 2008-03-06
@pistachio – Hey, can’t chat, won’t let me type in the box. # time for some exercise between calls. Hoping the weather widget’s "35" really means 40 or so, or I may be cold walking. # Nice walk. Feeling good. Back to work! # Powered by Twitter Tools.
The sound of my distraction today
The sound of my distraction today Originally uploaded by HowardGr If you call me today and hear banging and i’m distracted, it’s because the outside portion of the home office is being…um..updated. They’re kicking up the cobblestones. But I’m not feeling groovy. On the bright side, newly paved streets are just a few weeks away,…