Facebook: Hot or Not?

Sharon Jaffe reviews FB and decides she’s getting a bit fatigued.
Jaffe Blend: Hot or Not (interested)?

On hearing about Facebook fatigue, I admit to being somewhat less interested in Facebook thesedays. My primary annoyance being the Superwall posts which are a (futile?) attempt to see who accesses your profile by forwarding a useless picture of something (e.g. a puppy) to EVERYONE on their friends list. Now if this actually works, please let me know, as I haven’t had the guts to spam my entire list of friends whilst admitting my curiousity at the same time.

She also links to a fun video (some words not safe for a formal workplace)


which does convey some of the way I feel about FB some days. As a professional social media consultant, I still play along, but after a long day of invites from people I don’t know, the video was wonderful to laugh along with.