Month: May 2007

  • Pictures via Picturesandbox

    The pictures below are generated via my Flickr photos that I selected in a lightbox at Picture Sandbox, a site run by my friend Augustine Fou. Everytime the page is refreshed, you can get different thumbnails.

  • Stepping Down as CEO of Social Media Club

    On May 1st, after I had a conversation with Chris Heuer, he wrote “Conversations take time, managing them takes energy.” This is true in so many ways. In fact, Chris captured this critical fact: “… we have had to expend so much energy in managing the Club to host conversations about Social Media, that we…

  • At the DFJ Venture Challenge

    I’m at the DFJ Venture Challenge at Columbia Business School. Five finalists are competing for $250K and free office space to implement their plans. Greenware is the first company – organic plates, cups and bowls that are biodegradable. On the trend of “green is good.” Also trend for desire for conspicous consumption goods. Changing the…

  • Future of Online Advertising – NYC June 7-8

    I’ll be attending the Future of Online Advertising conference on June 7-8. They have give me a discount to give away: 10p3rc . This will give you a 10% discount on the event. Hope to see you there. Powered by ScribeFire.

  • Social Media Workshop- Competition, Discount, pick me!

    Ok, it seems to be a smackdown. I’m speaking at the Social Media Workshop on June 11th in Silicon Valley. It is going to be a great way to learn about Social Media, and take away direct information you can use the next day in your company. The agenda is really meaty and focused. Deb…