Month: December 2005
What is Web 2.0?
That’s what I’m aiming to find out. I’ve been asked to moderate a panel for NYSIA (blurb below) on Web 2.0 in NY on 1/23/06. Please come and see what we all can learn together. I’ll be blogging some thoughts in preparation for the panel in the next few weeks. Web 2.0 – Wave of…
Transit Strike A Nuisance for Me
Well, NY City Transit is on strike. Lucky for me I take NJ Transit and PATH, and was basically just inconvenienced by late running trains and crowds. Colleagues have walked to work from Brooklyn, or have gotten into cars with friends of neighbor’s brother-in-law’s cousin’s once removed to get here. Quite difficult for them, and…
Insert Snow Joke Here
IMG_4460.JPG Originally uploaded by HowardGr. 8 inches on the back table. That’s why I’m home today.
Brand Sluts, Consumers and Attention
As “consumers” or CUSTOMERS (thanks Jerry), we’ve been targets to be advertised at, our eyeballs have been made ‘sticky’ to keep us viewing pages, and we’ve been positioned, demographically skewed, psychographically sliced and surveyed until it hurts. Now, my fellow Clue-train riders, we’re being accused of being “Brand Sluts.” No more august publication than the…
From the TNL Home office…
Tristan Louis, from the home office in New York, New York, with the (very intelligent and not-at-all-Dave-Letterman-like) Signs of a Bubble. Required reading for the intelligent, post-dot-com-bubble investor, job-seeker, trend watcher. Example: At the bottom of the list is the belief that the poster child for a particular bubble can do no wrong. This is…