What is Web 2.0?

 That’s what I’m aiming to find out. I’ve been asked to moderate a panel for NYSIA (blurb below) on Web 2.0 in NY on 1/23/06. Please come and see what we all can learn together. I’ll be blogging some thoughts in preparation for the panel in the next few weeks.

Web 2.0 – Wave of the Future

What is Web 2.0? The catch phrase is meant to describe the current generation of hot Internet growth companies. Google is the icon, but many others products and services have arisen: Flckr, the various blogging tools, Wikipedia and do-it-yourself Wikis, and innovative social software companies like Del.icio.us. The watchwords are user participation, Web as a platform, and lightweight programming models.

New York has emerged as a center of this movement! Web 1.0 pioneer Howard Greenstein will moderate NYSIA’s first monthly meeting in 2006, and help you “jump the chasm” into the Web 2.0 space.