Jamais Cascio – Participatory Panopticon

Jamis discusses The concept that a constant stream of images, videos, etc will contribute to not the big-brother society but a society of millions of little brothers.

Camera phones, small video cameras, etc.

Irony break – Picture of Jamais taken as he was saying this at Flickr.

One implication – telemedicine – dermatologists could tell diagnosis of skin issues 94% of time via camera phone shots vs. in person. Politics – video groups captured images of problems in voting during Nov 2004 election. New group – the Blair Watch Project at the Guardian UK. Every politician now has to assume that they are on camera at all times – including when there are no actual ‘cameras’ present. Sousveillance – all of us watching the watchers. Similar – the Witness project. Abu Garib was the digital camera’s “Rodney King” moment – see, snap, send…media event. To quote Jamis almost verbatim: “Anyone anywhere with a digital camera and a net connection can alter course of a war or shape the policy of the largest country in the World.”

Deja View- Tivo for life- 30 second back storage of everything you see, in a camera.

Company predicting  10 Petabytes of memory drives by 2010. Put it all together…

What happens with Digital rights copyright and digital rights management when you can tape everything you see? Will they make your ‘memory archive’ not be able to record when you see copyright? Will there be lawsuits for ‘memory rights management’ litigating what you can ‘record and remember’?

 Personal memory assistance + tools for social networks = ability for friends to know what you’ve seen and done … ‘was it that restaurant that had the bug’? ‘is he the creep my sister dumped for cheating?’