Well, stuff has just been piling up here. For years, I guess. I finally had to throw out a few items, which made me think of a few folks.
A shout out and happy holidays to Tom Hammer, who I managed to see recently in CA. I had to dump some original NetObjects documentation, as well as Danny Goodman’s Hypercard Handbook and some other Hypercard and apple-related stuff. Even if I ended up somehow going back to the Mac, I don’t think a lot of the system 6-era stuff I have is going to help…
A shout-out to all my old WWWAC friends – found some old stuff including the certificate of appreciation for being a founder of the group. Good times.
Hey Dave Winer, I found some Userland Frontier sdk disks marked 1991. And a button from an old MacWorld Expo, with the “mean ThinkTank guy” on it. Remember those old ads?
I finally dumped some of my masters degree notebooks from the ITP program.
There’s still more to dump. See you later. Happy holidays!