Beyond Web 2.0 with the E.Factor at Philips in Eindhoven 6-25-08

The reason I’m in the Netherlands was an invitation by Adrie and Roeland Reinders and Marion Freijsen of the E.Factor to speak, along with Bill Sobel and two gentlemen from the Netherlands at a “Beyond Web 2.0” event. at the Philips Innovation Center (research labs) at Eindhoven.


After a great drive out to Eindhoven, (thanks Martin), and some initial networking, I met Tom Paffen and Tom De Bryune who spoke on Venture Capital raising and on “Freaks and Geeks” as the leading indicators of where social media and social networking tech are heading as cultural and technical phenomenon.

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The photo set is on Flickr.

Bill and I spoke after the break. Bill did an excellent job talking about the “3 screen world” where TV, Computers and Smart Phones are the locations that people are using when they view and interact with content, all to different extents, of course. I chimed in afterward about how media companies are using Social Web tools to create new kinds of stories (like the Heroes show and related content), and also about how, as seems to come up in conversations a lot lately – destination sites are not the future. Having content everywhere, via syndication, mashup, widgets, and basically where your viewer, user, customer wants it, will be the future. The panel finished with questions and more networking.
I know the slides and information on the panel, as well as the full video will soon be posted on and I’ll update with a link to that when it’s available.

BTW, Mashable did a brief review of the E.factor here.


One response to “Beyond Web 2.0 with the E.Factor at Philips in Eindhoven 6-25-08”

  1. Dear Howard,

    You were most welcome. If I fail in executive recruitment, I might take up a carreer in taxi driving… I hope you enjoyed your stay in The Netherlands and untilo we meet again, best wishes,
