Category: Tweets

  • Twitter Updates for 2008-05-07

    Taking a screenshot of Twitter # @pistachio – love the Billy Idol! # @ceonyc throws down the 10 things you’re not allowed to say in the echo chamber of web 2.0 # @chrisbrogan Hi Texas people! # @djdaveet can’t wait for the blog post # @astrout thanks for the shout out and good to…

  • Twitter Updates for 2008-05-06

    about to have lunch in Midtowm with a lawyer friend # Powered by Twitter Tools.

  • Twitter Updates for 2008-05-05

    "Currently working at the home office annex" somehow sounds much more professional than "I took my laptop on the deck because it’s nice out" # Powered by Twitter Tools.

  • Twitter Updates for 2008-05-04

    heading to the Yankee game on a bus full of loud kids # just went past Yankee stadium – bus driver didn’t make a good turn # just went past Yankee stadium – bus driver didn’t make a good turn # Sitting with my back to the wall at the top of Yankee Stadium. Great…

  • Twitter Updates for 2008-05-03

    Back in NY @jetblue at JFK # Waiting for oil change and NYS inspectio # @craignewmark welcome back to NY # almost time to drive the newly inspected and oiled car to the Isle of Long # Powered by Twitter Tools.