Category: Tweets

  • Twitter Updates for 2008-05-02

    @jbriley Justin, thanks for the great comic, and the welcome. Good to be on your coast. # trying to follow @marismith and twitter freaks out on me. # @ldpocast – congrats on the Blue Ribbon! # @ccarfi me too # Looking for some Internet, out Californi way… # @tnlnyc sorry to miss the lunch #…

  • Twitter Updates for 2008-05-01

    Morning, Twitterers. Getting ready to teach my class in San Diego at the Junior League convention. It’s going to be a great day! # @chrisbrogan – Blood is beautiful and it Takes All Types to save a life. # Powered by Twitter Tools.

  • Twitter Updates for 2008-04-30

    My comment on Marvel comics and @techcrunch # turning in early. See you in San Diego tomorrow. Anyone going to be @jetblue at JFK tomorrow am early? # @jeffpulver assume you’re not at jfk anymore # @tedmurphy are u still at jfk- want to have coffee? # at the @jetblue computer lounge at JFk,…

  • Twitter Updates for 2008-04-29

    watching the Jabbo and Crabbo show # @loiclemeur wow, sorry to hear, make sure you’re ok – whiplash/back stuff can take a day to come out. Take it easy! # going for an exercise bike ride before sitting at the desk all day. See you in a little while. # @chrisbrogan – left you…

  • Twitter Updates for 2008-04-28

    @queenofspain I show up early for your show and now I’m banned from your page for 24 hours by Stickam. 🙁 I was just tuning in early. # @ldpodcast – Whitney, you’re a class act. I’d work with you anytime, anyplace. # @rycaut I’ll buy you a copy of Linux. Please. Don’t hurt the laptop.…