Twitter Updates for 2008-05-07

  • Taking a screenshot of Twitter #
  • @pistachio – love the Billy Idol! #
  • @ceonyc throws down the 10 things you’re not allowed to say in the echo chamber of web 2.0 #
  • @chrisbrogan Hi Texas people! #
  • @djdaveet can’t wait for the blog post #
  • @astrout thanks for the shout out and good to see you too! #
  • wow, the Internets are really slow. Is it everyone downloading xp sp3 and vista sp1 at same time? Or is the guy down the street on pr0n? #
  • ok tweet peeps, I am outta here for a while, must focus and write. #
  • there is a red,red robin in my backyard, and yes, he is bob-bob-bobbing along #
  • @debs @davidparmet
    is it 80’s flashback hour? #
  • @craignewmark 45th and 6th ave #
  • @davidparmet if you bust out Rick Astley I’m leaving. #
  • @astrout -hey, @pprlisa suggests we chat – d me when you have a second #
  • @xenijardin tweets "LOLCat on a hot tin roof" – rotfl #

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