Category: Tweets

  • Twitter Updates for 2008-05-27

    Happy Memorial Day Cake # Powered by Twitter Tools.

  • Twitter Updates for 2008-05-26

    thanks @ericaogrady for the heads up on qik from JPL # back from the American Legion hall, after having walked the cub scout in the parade. Met several Vets with purple hearts – wow. # Powered by Twitter Tools.

  • Twitter Updates for 2008-05-23

    had a great conversation with Code Monkey song writer Jonathan Coulton # Wow, everyone’s so twitter-chatty today. Like you’ve been saving it up when Twitter was down… # @andrewbarron great Weezer video, thanks for the pointer # Things are looking up! Hope everyone is having a happy day. @Ccarfi sorry about the waterpump, enjoy the…

  • Twitter Updates for 2008-05-22

    unfollow catwilliams # @natalidelconte so which one was better, Starbucks or Dunkin? # I had a lunch meeting cancelled. D me if you’re up for lunch in NYC near Madison Square park. Hmmm…@shakeshack ? # @nataliedelconte thanks for the reply about coffee – i tried to D message you back but you dont follow me…

  • Twitter Updates for 2008-05-21

    @caroliiine you look great in the VW foto, don’t listen to the haters. # @vasta Great post. Be a Storyteller. # @vasta Great post. Be a Storyteller. # Powered by Twitter Tools.