Twitter Updates for 2008-05-22

  • unfollow catwilliams #
  • @natalidelconte so which one was better, Starbucks or Dunkin? #
  • I had a lunch meeting cancelled. D me if you’re up for lunch in NYC near Madison Square park. Hmmm…@shakeshack ? #
  • @nataliedelconte thanks for the reply about coffee – i tried to D message you back but you dont follow me #
  • @pistachio It would be nice to hear from @ev and @biz directly about what’s killing Twitter once in a while, no? But I’m staying here. #
  • @pistachio and then I found #
  • @jerrymichalski hmmm, how did you tweet if you have no signal. Inquiring minds want to know. #
  • the crying baby in my train car is suddenly notable for his silence. #
  • Why can’t twitter be down again? I’m getting distracted. #

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