Category: Random Thoughts

  • I’m over it

    Aliza wonders what Trackback is…  If someone evercares to explain what a TrackBack is – inplain English – I’m all ears. Until then,I’ve just wasted another few minutes on my blog and said very little about anything.Oh what joy it is to blog today. [via mediagirl: or who the hell is aliza sherman?] Hey, fellow…

  • On the Internet, Nobody Knows You’re in Mahwah

    On the Internet, Nobody Knows You’re in Mahwah  By Debra Galant  Hello? I guess I don’t advertise it enough. [via Joi Ito’s Web]

  • XRay Vision!

    The days of dull, grey concrete could be about to end. A Hungarian architect has combined the world’s most popular building material with optical fiber from Schott to create a new type of concrete that transmits light. Gives a whole new meaning to “Concrete Jungle” architecture.

  • Me, Al Franken

    Back in the early 80’s, Al Franken did a bit on Saturday Night Live, about the 80’s being the “Al Franken Decade.” I always liked this bit, and would imitate his manerism of saying “Me, Al Franken.” Example: People are going to stop thinking about themselves and start thinking about me, Al Franken. That’s right.…

  • The Dunbar Number as a Limit to Group Sizes

    Christopher Allen looks at the Sizes of groups in a fascinating article which I’ve chopped into interesting chunks, below. Read the whole thing: The Dunbar Number as a Limit to Group Sizes Lately I’ve been noticing the spread of a meme regarding “Dunbar’s Number” of 150 that I believe is misunderstanding of his ideas….This all…