Category: Random Thought

  • Inspired to blog…

    Yesterday I had 2 meals with two FOJ (friends of Jerry). They are great people in their own right, but I know them due to various interactions with Jerry, including a conference. Bill Seitz is a tech guru who runs a Wiki hosting service, among other ventures. We had a nice lunch catching up, comparing…

  • Get Up, Stand Up, Throw up

    I hate trying to give kids medicine which tastes bad…at least he was in the bathroom…

  • Why I’m not at BloggerCon

    Dean asked me to go with him to Bloggercon. But tomorrow night starts Yom Kippur – the holiest day of the year for Jews. Not going to be driving home from Boston and missing that. Quite a poor choice for a weekend. If it was any other, I might have been there, spend the money,…

  • Why I’m not at BloggerCon

    Dean asked me to go with him to Bloggercon. But tomorrow night starts Yom Kippur – the holiest day of the year for Jews. Not going to be driving home from Boston and missing that. Quite a poor choice for a weekend. If it was any other, I might have been there, spend the money,…

  • been too quiet

    Expect to see more of me, soon. For now, much of my week has been consumed with watching The Blues on PBS. It is probably one of the most interesting things I’ve seen on that screen in a long time. Might, I say MIGHT even make me want to send some cash their way. But…