Author: Howard

  • Fri, 04 Apr 2003 21:01:21 GMT

    ‘Human shields’ fear for airport The Iraqi regime could employ a “human tide” to fight US-led forces at Baghdad’s airport, the leader of British forces in the Gulf warns. [via BBC News | Front Page | UK Edition] I was, unfortunately saying the same thing at lunch. I predicted this strategy as a way for…

  • Important New Internet Standard

    Important New Internet Standard Internet security guru Steve Bellovin proposed today an important new Internet standard, RFC 3514, which creates a new “evil bit” in Internet Protocol packet headers. The evil bit is required to be set in all malicious packets. RFC 3514 fully examines the ramifications of this innovative proposal, including a discussion of…

  • Embedded Again

    This morning I made the kids some pancakes. I decided to “embed” chocolate chips within the pancakes. And, interestingly enough, after a short time, it was tough to tell the difference between the pancakes and the chips “embedded” within them. Oh, and I also watched the news.  

  • Fri, 28 Mar 2003 03:15:29 GMT

    The House passed a resolution Thursday calling for a national day of humility, prayer and fasting in a time of war and terrorism….Under the resolution, President Bush would issue a proclamation designating a specific day as a day of “humility, prayer and fasting.” …A similar resolution approved on March 17 said it was the sense…