I just found this wonderful interview that JD did with Howard Rheingold, from last summer. I’m posting it because my class should watch this video, and learn from two people who have been thinking about the subject for a very long time.
Howard Rheingold on essential media literacies | Socialmedia.biz
IncreasÂingly I think the digÂiÂtal divide is less about access to techÂnolÂogy and more about the difÂferÂence between those who know how and those who don’t know how,†he said. He’s conÂvinced that what’s most imporÂtant is not access to the InterÂnet — we have more than a bilÂlion peoÂple on the InterÂnet now and there are 4 bilÂlion phones out there — but access to knowlÂedge and litÂeraÂcies for the digÂiÂtal age. “The abilÂity to know has sudÂdenly become the abilÂity to search and the abilÂity to sift†and disÂcern.
The video is great – take the 6 minutes to watch it. Thanks JD and Howard.

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[…] J.D. Lasica on 21st Century Media Literacies with Howard Rheingold (howardgreenstein.com) […]