Twitter Updates for 2008-06-25

  • @lons you said “7” episodes, they say 6 #
  • Greetings from Amsterdam, Twitter Peeps. #
  • @christopherA enjoy S.Korea and regards from the Netherlands, where I’m also talking about the social web to Entrepreneurs. #
  • Currently staying at “Citizen M” concept hotel in Amsterdam. Very very cool so far. #
  • good morning @jeffpulver from me and @bsobel226 in Holland. #
  • My quick review of Citizen M hotel in Amsterdam. #
  • @janpolet I’m in Netherlands this week – any chance for coffee? #
  • @creepysleepy – anyone for me to meet at the Hague? #
  • @ronna sorry for the delay in response- lack of twitter “replies.” here speaking for the social network. Tourism a bit tomorrow #

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