Twitter Updates for 2008-04-25

  • hey, @podcampnyc, I’m back in NY and I’ll see you tomorrow, after I get some rest….! #
  • awake, dressed, and bound for @PodcampNYC #
  • Watching Alan Levy from BlogTalkRadio at #podcampnyc #
  • just saw Natalie Gelman live in the podsafe music space at #podcampnyc – wow, great voice! #
  • @dmitriGunn thanks – will have to leave this session to catch Matthew Ebel live at 11:45- find me there #
  • Blogtalkradio – creating social tools around the conversations – audio, blog, etc. #podcampnyc #
  • @rockinprgirl thanks for the add – sorry I didn’t reply, traveling yesterday #
  • @dmitriGunn Podcamp Live Podsafe Music in the main area near sponsors, all day long. Matthew Ebel at 11:45am #
  • @podcampnyc thirsty? Vitamin water in the main area now #podcampnyc #
  • Waiting for the @podcampnyc session about twitter as a backchannel for conferences. Hmmm. This tweet is so meta. #podcampnyc #
  • running the twiter panel. now twittering. Hmmm #
  • someone in the @podcampnyc twitter session left a camera. See me or dm howardgr. #podcampnyc #

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