Day: June 6, 2007

  • Useful PDF tool

    I needed a way to combine a bunch of Adobe PDF files together into one document, on my Mac.I found PDFMergeX, by Malcom Mac Software. It is an easy utility. Just add PDFs to the list, push the button, and voila, a new PDF file with all the pages in the order you wanted them.…

  • Donna Bogatin’s Virtual Moving Day

    Good bye ZDNet, hellow Insider Chatter. Donna Bogatin, long time Internet Industry veteran and, for the past year, ZDNet blogger, has launched Insider Chatter. We’ll see the same intelligence in covering marketing and media trends, but under her own banner. Subscribed. Donna is promising coverage from the Future Of Online Advertising conference tomorrow. See you…

  • Chris Brogan finds his inner Superhero

    My friend and Podcamp instigator Chris Brogan nails the culture of the business today in this insightful bit about freeing your inner superhero. On the balance of being you versus being that person inside a company, he says: The point here is simple: YOU have control of your own personal brand, and it’s up to…