Month: April 2007

  • ITP reviewed by Cnet

    A good article about my alma mater, the NYU ITP program over at Cnet today. Powered by ScribeFire.

  • Podcasting as part of a Social Media Strategy

    At PodcampNYC on April 7th I did a panel with Rachel Clark on how Podcasting fits into a Social Media Strategy. I’ve posted a recording of this as a podcast on my podcast, A Chat and A Song. Usually that podcast is 12-14 minutes, but because this has the whole panel discussion it is about…

  • Speaking in Westchester

    I’m privileged to be speaking on a panel at the Westchester Association this coming Thursday, April 19th. Apparently the online registration is closed but there is still room for walk-ins. Or, you can contact the woman mentioned on the page. I’m looking forward to helping people understand Social Media and how businesses can use it…

  • My latest article – in the NY Enterprise Report

    Check out my latest contribution to The New York Enterprise Report, “Web 2.0 for your Business.” In it I discuss how various Social Media tools such as blogs, podcasts, and wikis can help to improve marketing, communications and commerce for businesses of all sizes. Also my friends at the report tell me that “you may…

  • Sunshine and Rainbows

    Sunshine and Rainbows Originally uploaded by HowardGr. Hope things are great where you are. Everything here is sunshine and rainbows. Seriously. Vacation time, and it was sorely needed. Yes, I’m on the computer, and doing work. But I am taking time to smell the roses, and photograph the rainbows.