Month: March 2007

  • Lucky 7

    I recently had coffee with Noel Hidalgo, whom I met via NextNY. In addition to being a cool guy, and a great guide for learning about Drupal, CoWorking and other stuff, he’s the kind of guy who believes he can go around the world on the open-source donations of friends and strangers. Hey, who am…

  • You are what you feed

    I’m at the Reuters and Attention Trust Open Data seminar/workshop today. Dick from feedburner is talking about how ‘subscribers are the new publishers.’ What I’m getting from his talk is that, as everyone uses lots of services, feeds, flickr, stumble, etc. that you don’t even have to be a blogger to be a publisher. A…

  • Buzz Metrics tool

    They’re doing a demo now, looking for posts with Barack in them. Let’s see if this shows up. The tool is called “Floodgate” and it is doing real time scraping and monitoring of the net, watching tags, and showing a visual of what’s important now. powered by performancing firefox