Contact is king

The other night, I attended a great panel in NYC put on by the New Media group of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (the Emmy people).
There, Shelly Palmer, the author of the newly released book Television Disrupted stated that in the old web world, everyone said “Content is King.” With the rise of social network sites like MySpace and Flickr Contact is now king.
Scott Heiferman of Meetup noted that Myspace isn’t replacing the TV as much as it is replacing the telephone – contact, yes about content but contact none-the-less is key there. And since they’re the 800 pound gorilla these days, we should pay attention.
Good insights.
Great also to see Murray Hidary of iAmplify there. I sat with Jeff Stewart of Mimeo fame, and Jed Katz and Ross Goldstein from DFJ Gotham. Spied Nick Butterworth in the crowd as well. Thanks to Shelly and Jeff Dachis for putting this on!