Month: July 2005

  • Skype at 14,400 feet

    Buzz Reports: Blogging at 14,400 feet…Stratoblogging… Off we go, into the wild blue yonder….We just flew around Mt.Ranier. On the SW side, we could see from the plane a group of climbers. Pictures to come…. He’s on the new Boeing plane that has built-in WiFi! Eric Rice is also on board, and video blogging it.…

  • Napsterization

    Napsterization – Mary asks: Did EVERYBODY Get Up on the Wrong Side of the Bed This Past Week? Yes. Yes we did.

  • Doc podcasts a quick one…

    Doc Searls pops out a quick podcast with his son: Docs Podblog Okay, so finally, here it is… (Drumroll……) My first podcast. A bit of a stream of consciousness in the ‘is this thing on” genre, but a good start. Now, I have to buy the same equipment that Tony recommended to Doc so I can…

  • A chip off the old block

    Harris, my 4 year old, won a radio contest this morning. Pam called into the KTU morning show for the ‘kids joke off’ and got through. (Note, the joke will be up there, but it’s not up yet.) Harris: (in a really cute and funny way, of course) – “Why did the boy throw butter…

  • Steve T blogging

    I’m really glad to see my old friend and fraternity brother Steve T. blogging. It is great when another intelligent voice gets added to the conversation in cyberspace/the blogosphere/the internet/whatever you care to call this. The virtual welcome mat is out. As you may see from this post, he picked a tough week to start…