Month: January 2005

  • Trivia Answer

    I sent out a music trivia clip to Adam Curry on the Daily Source Code. The answers to the clip trivia are: Monday: Duran Duran – New Moon on Monday Tuesday: Rolling Stones – Ruby Tuesday Wednesday: Beatles – She’s Leaving Home Thursday: Beatles – Lady Madonna Friday: Steely Dan – Black Friday Saturday: Chicago…

  • My Brother, Now $99 after rebate

    Ok, seriously, my brother is shown in an article about rebates at See the picture to the right of the article. Nice job.

  • …Are belong to us

    It’s nice to see the spammers getting a sense of humor. This morning in my inbox, in addition to the usual r0lex and c1alis adverts, someone sent a junk mail with the subject “All your meds are belong to us.” A fun take off on the old meme of All Your Base are Belong to…

  • No more comments for now…

    Well, that should stop the spammers. I’ve upgraded and all the comments disappeared. Oh well. Will fix soon.