Month: December 2004

  • Happiness is

    Being mentioned in Tom Watson’s Christmas List. Thanks, Tom!

  • Peace on Earth

    Thought for the day. Enjoy it.

  • Half Full

    So, my daughter reminded me that today is the official first day of winter. “All the days get longer from here.” Gotta love that glass is half-full attitude in the face of 25 degree weather…Happy Winter.

  • Thank you Everybody

    A thank you to Adam Curry, who included a note from me on his Daily Source Code Podcast today, and played a track from everyone’s favorite rock star, Bari Koral. Said singer is releasing her new CD, “Confessions of an Indie Girl” this week. I give it the 2 big thumbs up!

  • Blog Ethics?

    I got a comment spam posting today that looked like this (Links removed) Help stop evil (/ word of mouth marketers like by supporting the ( Blog Publishers Association founded by legendary blogger Jason Calacanis. Jason’s site says he favors Blog Ethics, and also states someone else is doing the blog spam campaign. Jason…