Month: November 2004

  • Blank Blog Syndrome

    Dean complains my weblog is blank and wonders if it is a technical issue. Well, unfortunately that’s what happens when I don’t post anything. I’ve been busy living life and working hard, and haven’t had time to stop and blog the roses, as it were. Since I’m here, if you’re a member of my Dragon…

  • Reporting for duty

    Yep, I voted. 7 am and I was the 30th person. Word from my source in Florida is that by 7:15 am 250 people had voted in my Dad’s precinct. Wow. Good turn out. Kottke is tracking voter experience nationwide. Every year on this day, I wear a special tie, and it says “Democracy is…

  • I’m still here

    Let’s see. Things I’ve been doing while not blogging: 1. Raking leaves. Blowing leaves. Putting leaves into a big bag. Putting the bag by the curb. Repeat. Seems this homeowner thing has some repetition associated with it. 2. Coaching – I’m enjoying taking the classes in the program in my department at NYU. There are…