Day: April 9, 2003

  • Wed, 09 Apr 2003 14:23:27 GMT

    “How do we strengthen the Second Superpower? What are the next vital developments we need to make? ” [Jim Moore’s Weblog] Even more interesting are the comments from the audience here. Rahul Dave throws  down the idea of a Blog News Network which my friends can tell you I’ve also had designs on for a…

  • Wed, 09 Apr 2003 18:23:44 GMT

    The damn cable TV in the office is down. I’m waiting “24-48 hours” for repairs. Meanwhile, kudos to the Feedroom for high quality streaming video from multiple sources. They even have RSS feeds to tell you what’s on. Example: Saddam Hussein Statue Downed Apr. 9 – In a sweeping, symbolic gesture of the end of…