Category: Uncategorized

  • In Memory, 9/11/01

    For all my campers at America’s Camp, and all my friends who work there with me: In the rising of the sun and its going down,We remember them. In the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter,We will remember them. In the opening buds and in the rebirth of spring,We remember them.…

  • Stand Up to Cancer – TODAY!

    Today is the day for the big Stand Up To Cancer show, at 8pm EST and PST on NBC, ABC and CBS. This is a big day – the first day in the rest of our lives – in that we are making a commitment to rid this planet of Cancer. There have been lots…

  • Political Satire of the Day.

    Whoever did this site did a wonderful job. Plus, the images of Col. Tigh and Laura Roslin from Battlestar Galatica and the images of McCain-Palin are clasic:

  • Facebook Whales

    Facebook -Error.jpg Originally uploaded by HowardGr Have you noticed Facebook is throwing errors almost as much as Twitter has, lately? I got frustrated after trying to invite about 75 people to an event, and gave them the Whale they deserved.

  • Howard…going down for upgrades

    Yes, some major work going on here, and it may be a few days before there are any more posts. But the technical difficulties? That would be me, and not my site. I’m getting my septum straightened, and my tonsils and adenoids out, tomorrow morning, 7/16. So, for the next few days, fewer posts, fewer…