Category: fun
Talk Like a Pirate Day
ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGG! It be Talk Like a Pirate Day! And I did a “Talk Like a Pirate” intro to Adam Curry’s Daily Source Code episode 463 today :-). It’s also my birthday. And my Brother’s birthday. Hey, Todd, I forgive you for interrupting my 4th birthday by being born. Are you satisfied? Love ya.
New Yorkers Pissed Off as City ranks 57th in being Pissed Off
NEW YORK: New Yorkers were unanimously pissed today that the city ranked only 57 in the list of top 100 most angry US Cities, as published by Men’s Health Magazine. Orlando was ranked first, followed closely by St. Petersburg and Detroit. The general reaction to the finding was one of anger, raised blood pressure, and general…
Where is the letter "e” in Web 2.0?
Chris Cerado tracks down the elusive letter in this exclusive interview. Blogged with Flock
Steaks. On a Plane.
If I had an Ad Budget, this is how I would advertise my airlines… Copy and enjoy.
Chad Vader, Day Shift Manager
In which an evil jedi runs a supermarket. Via YouTube. technorati tags:chadvader, starwars, comedy Blogged with Flock